virtues of prayer 5 times

virtues of prayer 5 times
Prophet said: "He who maintain the prayer, would be glorified by God with 5 glory:
1. God removes narrowness of his life
2. God remove the punishment from her grave
3. God will give books to his credit record with his right hand
4. He will pass through the bridge like lightning
5. Will enter Paradise without reckoning
And those who underestimate prayer. Allah will mengazabnya with fifteen torture:
1. Six doom world
2. Three torture when dead
3. Three torment in the grave
4. Three torture in the afterlife
Torture in the world, among others:
1. In pull the old blessing
2. In clear sign of the righteous on her face
3. Do not get reward from every charity has earned
4. Not acceptable do'anya
5. Not included as part of the prayers of the righteous
6. Exit his soul without bringing faith
Penalty when death include:
1. Die in a state of abject
2. Die in a state of hunger
3. Die in a state of thirst, which when given as much water as sea water will not relieve her thirst
Punishment in the grave:
1. God's grave, so narrow ribs cross each other
2. His body was baked in the embers of the fire day and night
3. In the grave there is a snake named Syuja'ul aqro who would torture him.
Punishment in the afterlife, among others:
1. When the heavens opened, angels come to him with a chain seventy cubits in length, the chain that hung around his neck and inserted into the mouth to get out of their anus. Then the angel announced "This is the reward of those who underestimate the command of God. "
2. God will not look at his face with compassion views
3. God does not mensucikannya and for him a painful punishment.

Source: # ixzz1N02g4100

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