Based Muzakaroh I've ever through those people who understand about the religion of Islam (the A'lim), there are four criteria for the air-FAITH:

1. Worship
People were always busy with FAITH will worship, like prayer in the mosque 5 times berjemaah, voluntary prayer in his house, and was busy dhikr Tilawat Al-Quran.
2. Mua'malah
People Ber Muamalah faith in the air, trade, trying to make a living, works by way diridhoi by GOD, and the intention of this effort is to support him to always obey the commands GOD.
3. Mua'syaroh
People were Muasyaroh FAITH will air, along with his brother or his friend with gentleness (mahabbah), treats all GOD's creatures with love.
4. Akhlaq
The peak of her Akhlaq FAITH is his behavior, he will be a fun, socially acceptable anywhere good fellow Muslims would even with the other communities fello

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